Friday, April 5, 2013

Why Should You Think About Natural Wart Removal Techniques?

Warts are small and benign tumors that most of the times appear on hands and feet, although they can be found on the whole body. Apart from being unsightly, they are also contagious and long lasting, so you have to think about natural wart removal.
In order to get rid of their warts, almost all persons opt for medical procedures, such as cryogenic removal, which is a treatment performed with the help of liquid nitrogen, laser surgeries, or surgical curettages. Generally, due to these procedures, you might experience pain, unwanted marks, and no good effects. As a consequence, people have started utilizing natural remedies which don't involve pain and too much money. You may not believe, but it is true. All you need is a banana peel with which you rub the wart.

If you have no patience, you can simply put the banana peel on the wart and fix it with a piece of duct tape or adhesive bandage. Don't expect to see an immediate progress because this treatment must be repeated for several weeks in order to give good results. This sort of remedy is usually found in all homes. Apart from its general culinary use, apple cider vinegar has proved to be effective even in removing warts. Use the apple cider vinegar to bathe a cotton ball, then place it over the wart and use duct tape to keep it there. You can leave it overnight although it may irritate your skin. In case you think it is too harsh for your skin, reapply the remedy once in two days, and not each day. It shouldn't take more than a week for this remedy to work if performed properly.
The allergic effects of potatoes don't have to worry you, so you can place slices of potato over your warts over and over again. This aspect being considered, potatoes represent a great wart treatment. They remove warts in a couple of weeks. Castor oil is a traditional remedy which can eliminate warts in several months. This plant contains Aloe Vera juice that has a double effect when it comes to warts. If you apply castor oil over your warts, the Aloe Vera will infiltrate into your skin and remove them, while if you consume Aloe Vera, your immune system will be aided in the battle with the warts virus. In case you can't find castor oil, utilize whatever cream which consists of aloe because it will bring you the same results.

Duct tape is among the items utilized in almost all situations, as well as when it comes to eliminating warts. Considering all the natural remedies explained above, doctors regularly advise individuals to opt for this one since all they have to do is to put duct tape on the wart. If the duct tape falls off, you replace it with another piece until the wart completely comes off with it.
Each one of these natural wart removal remedies is effective after a certain period of time, but they often treat the effect, not the cause. In order for your body to be able to defeat the warts virus, you have to keep improving your immune system with the help of foods that contain vitamin C.

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